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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bolsheviks in Charge

War Communism
  • the class struggle of the rural areas reversing the reforms of the Duma of 1906
  • purpose of War Communism was to take away from peasants and give it back to the kulaks
  • forcing the kulaks to sell surplus grain to Bolsheviks at fixed prices
  • there was nothing in Marxoist ideology that dealt with how to deal with Rural areas so Lenin had to invent it, he did not believe oin gradual change he wanted quick change
  • MArxist ideology was for an urban setting - a setting that had already experienced the industrial Revolution
  • already experienced the conflict between the bourgousie and the proletariat - as soon as the workers believed they could not have what they produced they would revolt
  • Revolt was the creation of the battle between peasants and kulaks
  • Results:
  • attempted collectivization of land confiscation of grain by the state (kulaks and peasants helped each other)
  • forced labor was introduced
  • famine broke out aqnd people began to starve, Lenin switched over after famine broke out to NEP, he pulled th eplug on War Communism
  • farmers were to contribute %10 of production to state and sell any surplus in openmarket for profit
  • smal private businness allowed to operate, everyone bough tinto it because Lenin was intriducing it
  • trade passe dinto orivate hands,l no longer in hands of governemtn; Lenin argued not a devioation to ultimate goal (eventhought it was true capitalism); Lenin's concession that capitailsm is needed before succesful Ware Communism
  • very persuasive, everything Lenin said the Bolsheviks bought with little question
  • created a new middle class
  • the NEP moved opposite of the gooal of the communists but was necessary to avoid _______of chaos and the possibility of counter-revolution
  • disagreement within the party concerning NEP were suppressed by Lenin but it was to reappear after his death
  • Lenin grouped state-controlled industries together with orivate ______ it would then be easier to more form this to socialism
  • food production increased
  • industrial production increased
Final Days of Lenin
  • Lenin's writing in 1922 and 1923 reveal a man, deeply troubled man by nature of state - he did not thinkhis gov was where it should be
  • party bureaocrats stood above the proletariat and peasentry
  • the Party bureacracy had developed into a dictatorship over, or at best, on behalf of the masses
  • the higher ranking in the gov should be checke dby the lower ranking ones, the politburi should get checked so they become acountable for the interest of the proletariat, comittee never formed, Politburo never held accountable
{pwer Struggle
  • March 1923, Lenin works on demoting Stalin
  • Stalin, through political machine, successful in suppressing the publication of these Testament
  • since Lenin had also criticizeed everyone so nobody weanted it publisjed becase all the leaders were criticized
  • "regime of proffessional secretaries"said Tritsky about Stalin- bureaucrats cut5 off from their proleteriat followers
  • using interest in spreading the revolution
  • Trotsky seemed the most powerful and dangerous in Party to Stalin
  • the most brilliant theoretician in the party, huge threat to Stalin, Lenin probably wanted him to succeede him eventhough he often opposed him but did not want Stalin because he was psycho
  • leader of the vicorious Red ArmyBukharin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, and Stalin isolagted Trotsky
  • accusied Trotsky of trying to split the Party because of his personal ambition to read it
  • using "Party democracy" as a phony political issue
  • "Socialism in One Country" was a real accessibility
  • Trotsky's insistence on proletarian revolutions abroad betrayed a lack of faith in the party's and country's necessities
  • Trotsky demoted after this battle and he was not exiled yet but his importance was minimized becasue he is so aggressive in his ideology; Trotsky took care if his enemy by discrediting him by letting Trotsky's mouth run wild
  • Zimoniec and Kamenev spli off from the Party majority by launching a critique of NEP from the leftiist point of view
  • NEP policy of conceding constantly increasing gtrain prices to the peasentry was depriving the state of capital for industrialization, bankrupting industry, confrnting the proletariat with high bread prices, and indefinitely postponing the march to socialism

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