- his opponents underetimated him
- he removed his opponents one at a time with others and then attacked those who had been his allies
- je was popular because he came from the peasent class
Stalin's View
- "we are 50 to 100 years behind the advanced countries. we must make good this lag in ten years. Eitherr we do it or they crush us."
- peasents were conservatiive and Stalin saw them as holding back progress
- imndustrial development could not occur without sufficient food production
- peasent labor force was to be redirected to industrial labor, and this was impossible without more efficient farming
- Stalin's answer was to collectivize farming
- carried out by force
- destroyed crops by froce
- peasents rebelled
- destroyed crops and animals
- the results of collectivization: th very short time the bulk of the peasants were organized on collective farms; the government gained through collectivization greater control over production and allocation; food was made availble for the Five year plans
- However, the immediate effect was a massive drop to production; collectivization had an enormous human cost. opposition was eliminated; the kulaks (the most able farmers) were virtually destroyed; it proved inefficient in the long run; not responsive to changes in local/regional needs
The Five-Year Plans for Industry
- Stalin introduced what he referred to as a system of cenyral planning
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