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Monday, January 25, 2010

"First steps of the Soviet Regime" Reading - Monday January 25, 2010

Focus on policy for this document.
Insightful policy?
  • many factions, everyone seemed to be united in a common cause then different governmets develop and fall
  • freedom of press not allowed till Lenin put down opposition
  • Lenin does not have majority but uses what he has to give him legitimacy, Lenin make sit look like he has support of rural people, if they don't agree with hi then he sets them up against eachother until they decide to go his way
  • creation of policy to induce strong factions to trust him and ally with him to consolidate power, and at the same time he takes care of other opposition groups
  • when Lenin dies there is another ower struggle

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

  • women were factory workers, housewives, had to stand in long linesa to buy food
  • women's day is important because it gave recognition to role of woman, socialist party used it to send message of power of proletariat, power of women, power to impact policy; they got the women fired up so they were willing to walk out
  • spontaneous

Friday, January 8, 2010

Afghan Article

This is the first blog for the readings we get in class so for this first one I did not really know how to format it so I just put questiona nd answer, sort of, and then I just stopped. :) If yoou can provide further analysis and/or comments then please feel free to do so.

Q: In terms of guerilla warfare what value does article have?

A: One of the thing you need for terrorism is the need for innovation. Since the women were in University and not married they were willing to take more risks to prepare fir their future. Women want to have policy change. What are gurilla movement trying to do? Overthrow current government or repel invaders. If women want to take any ownership in their society they can’t get married or have babies.

Q: What characterizes a geurilla fighter?

A: educated, organized. Against established government or repel foreign invaders, often communistic ideals

Q: What makes a terrorist?

A: uneducated, unorganised